#13 Is It Time

July 5, 2024

Here we are again. I’m glad you’re listening. Whew! What a week, huh?

Not just because the UEFA championship is going on in Germany or India won the world cricket championship, or the Florida Panthers won their first Stanley Cup in a intense game seven. Or because Wimbledon starts this week without Nadal. Or because Stanley Steemer cleaned my carpets. But wow, that debate turned things upside down topsy turvy Like.  Even most of us had hoped that Biden would frustrate Trump without an audience and with a muted mic. But Trump maintained his composure. The man’s still a liar, a great deceiver. But with his mic off, he wasn’t able to be the loud mouth. That may have been a mistake.

Trump lied his ass off and got away with it at the debate. Biden was not very vigorous in refuting the lies.  And Biden, I noticed, what could be perceived in one of two ways, his silent response. While Trump was talking. It could be rightfully viewed as a man just listening. Expressionlessly to the words of the man next to him, just taking things in. To me, that’s exactly what was going on. That’s what I saw. I also understand what others concluded: His lack of expression conveyed the thought that he was catatonic in a daze and we were just waiting to see him drool. It’s a bad image. And is. It’s the one the Democrats and Republicans have agreed on.

I’m reminded of the Nixon-Kennedy debate. It was the first presidential debate that was both televised and broadcast on the radio. Sociologists afterward or politicians afterwards, I mean political scientists afterwards polled listeners, viewers.  Those who watched the debate all believed President John F Kennedy won the debate hands down. A poll of listeners who listened to the broadcast on the radio of the debate believed then-Vice President Richard Nixon won. That could be at play here. One of my advisers was working late at night at his job, along with a colleague of his, and the colleague was listening to the debate online. My friend asked the guy listening, how are things going? And he gave a thumbs up for Biden. So that could affirm that theory, that that’s what happened here. It’s interesting to me to see if you get a different response just listening to the debate versus watching it. But then Biden bumbled incoherently before ending on Medicare and drug prices. He obviously lost his train of thought.

Biden has been a good president, better than Trump. I dare say even better for America than Obama. And of course, then GW. He got the infrastructure bill passed, got us out of Afghanistan and slowed government spending. Three things Trump promised but failed to do. Where Trump weakened NAITO & America’s leadership, Joe got NAITO re-energized, eager to see a return of strong American leadership after the world leaders publicly laughed together at Trump. Trump was not a complete failure, though he successfully got the vaccines manufactured in record time. But he dropped the ball and washed his hands of getting the shots into American arms. Thankfully, Biden won. He saw the Republican made red tape, cut it and got the vaccines into our communities. When Trump left office, the growing economy he inherited from Obama was in shambles. Unemployment records were set. The stock market was lower when he left than when he arrived and toilet paper was being rationed.

Joe turned that all around and the morning after his disastrous debate performance, more Americans drove to work than ever did under Trump. He even saw the light about border security and agreed to the GOP plan only to have Trump interfere. Telling his namby pamby to not secure the border until next year. That needs no further commentary. Joe wanted what was best for the nation. Trump wanted what was best for his campaign. That’s a major difference between the two.

Biden is willing to do what is best for America, even when Republicans deserve credit, not Trump. [Alexa, what do you think of Trump?  Trump is a traitor]

If he gets nothing from it, there’s no point in it. That’s why he can call buried veterans suckers and losers and whine about losing an election.

I don’t even have to detail Trump’s loan fraud, sexual molestation trial, his most recent felony convictions, and the paranoid schizophrenic suspicion. The FBI was sent to Mar a Lago to assassinate him. The man is unfit for office.

Biden has been a successful president. He and Trump are both too old to be president. Neither one of them is going to become healthier, have fewer cognitive disruptions as time goes on. One Consider Senator Moscow. Mitch McConnell, Kentucky need more be said?  What’s needed is enthusiasm, excitement for a candidate other than voting against Trump. Few have great positive feelings in re-electing Biden.

Imagine him bowing out, having a brokered convention in Chicago and nominating a younger, more vibrant candidate to replace Biden.

Think of the youth and independents who might be energized to vote instead of staying home to beat Trump. And that’s the goal of Dumpty Trump. It will take enthusiasm to win. Joe lacks that consistently.

Trump is a danger to America and insisting Biden stay the nominee increases the probability of Trump’s return. I will never vote for Trump and now the Democratic Party cannot count on us to vote for Biden just because he’s not Trump. He’s too old. The beauty of nominating a younger candidate, perhaps Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, is that the “Too Old” criticism will belong to the Republicans,

Urge the Democrats and Joe to voluntarily remove himself and kindly replace him with a candidate that appeals to the masses, not just the internal Democratic Party. Then we’ll be glad we did.  The victory against Trump would no longer be iffy & all of our lives would have much less anxiety.

Give it some thought. Mull it over. That’s it for this week. You can find us on Facebook. DumptyTrumpty.org on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also write to me at Captain Scott. That’s CPTScott@DumptyTrumpty.org.

Thanks for your time this time. Until next time



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