#9 Understanding Trumpers

May 28, 2024

Welcome to the Dumpty Trumpty podcast where we patriotic Americans work to push MAGA off their fake wall. I’m Captain Scott coming to you from my makeshift basement studio deep in the prairie heartland.

Welcome back. I’m glad you’re still listening to Dumpty Trumpty today. My soul is troubled, bothered, ill at ease. And it’s not because my property taxes went up or I found out that girl I wanted to meet is married. No, I’m confounded and have been for quite some time that millions of Americans continue to support, admire, and in some cases, even appear to worship Donald Trump. I know I’m not alone in this and know with certainty that you too feel this disturbance.

I Imagine Trump supporters delight in our lack of understanding them. “Look at the poor liberals bleeding their hearts all over the place, snarling and seeing doom, centered all in candidate Trump. Oh, those poor babies. To be so frightened must be miserable. But we laugh at them and their own self-inflicted derangement.” They enjoy seeing Libtards suffer. As long as we continue to merely harp, complain, fret, about Trump and his minions without understanding, we are merely self-soothing. We have to get down to brass tacks and understand what we are living with. Can you do that? Listen to a Trumper without telling them that they’re wrong, without immediately interjecting evidence that refutes their belief? I’m not suggesting never correcting them. We must do that, but we don’t have to do so while they’re talking. I know it’s our anxiety, our sense of repairing an injustice that pushes us to react, perhaps even at times to retaliate in our response. Especially if you’re on the keyboard.

Have you figured out any reasons Trumpers support him and to be genuine in understanding their reasons? If you’re going to be genuine and understand, you cannot include anything negative about them, even if it’s true. The goal is to, at this moment, understand. So claiming, “Well, they support Trump because they’re stupid.” misses the mark. I know plenty of Trumpers who have taken the same oath to the Constitution I have. They read the same Bible. They love their families and enjoy being a help to others. That all combines to make my, our, burden even heavier. How can this be?

Let’s take a look. Firstly, belief must do two things. It must 1) align with something held that you value or they value, and 2) must allow the believer to continue seeing themselves still as a good person, which is made up of a thousand different things. So that’s the model. They are saying Trump represents a value I endorse and it does not conflict with my goal of feeling good about who I am.

Beliefs built on life experience are the most deeply ingrained beliefs. Experience has taught, since there were dinosaurs, that life is made between male and female, that we are born that way. And gender is not some administrative task assigned at birth except for intersex folks. It’s just a universal truth, or at least universally accepted until about 60 years ago. No matter, National Public Radio tells us, 88% of Republicans, 63% of independents oppose letting males compete as females, while only 41% of Democrats oppose it. Add to this supporting medical transition of youth and the gap becomes a canyon. Life experience is not really open for debate. It’s internal, internalized knowledge, like a tree planted by still waters. It’s not going to budge no matter how much you push,

Trump promised: [Trump audio]

On the other hand, President Biden expanded Title IX, which prohibits sex based discrimination to include the transgender bathrooms, locker rooms, sports, etc.

So there, there’s one to consider. How can this be? If someone were a single-issue voter and transgendered sports issue was their hot button now you can understand. I mean, I can. And understanding does not mean agreeing. An example of understanding and not agreeing is just because I read a book on slavery doesn’t mean I agree with slavery or any other subject for that matter.

There’s another topic, one I don’t enjoy discussing, and that’s abortion. I know women who have been through that, and it’s trauma. And because we never know which women have suffered through it. I don’t bring it up. It’s just too painful. And to bring it up publicly without consideration could be painful for someone. I don’t want to be that kind of person.

That being said, there are very few Americans who encourage abortion. Nobody’s going around recommending women to have them. There are millions who believe, however, that it is a health care issue and there are millions who believe there should be a federal ban. I have many family members, friends and acquaintances who, for them, abortion is a determining single issue. In 2016 Trump promised to defund planned Planned Parenthood and do everything he could to overturn Roe versus Wade.

A health care provider for lower income families withdrew from the Title X federal funding for Planned Parenthood. As a result, many cheered. We all know that Trump stacked the Supreme Court that overturned Roe & Sent it back to the States for it to be decided locally no longer nationally. Contrast that to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Catholic Joe Biden in 2020. We all know their positions, right? Catholics have until recently trended towards Democrats. But with Trump in 2016 and again in 2022, voters for whom abortion was a major reason and is a disgusting policy, it’s easy to understand why these Americans support Trump and will support him again,

Notice I am leaving out the word “but.” We’ll get to them in the next podcast. This podcast is about understanding and the “yeah, but”s are left out on purpose.

Another reason: xenophobia. Spelled with an X, not a Z. It means a fear or contempt for foreigners, strangers, and or the belief that they threaten our own identity or culture. For someone who thinks English should remain a primary language, (I do) and that other nations don’t give up their best citizens, and foreigners continue to, quote, “invade America. Rapists, terrorists, drug dealers, murderers.” Unquote. While, we give them more, quote, “free stuff”, unquote, than veterans get.

That appeals to people for whom that is important. Trump’s promise, broken promise to build a wall and start deporting illegals has great appeal.

So there’s three reasons voters might be enthusiastically for a Trump return to White House. The Trans Movement. Abortion and illegal immigrants. Those are reasons for backing Trump.

Someone who secretly wants America to stay white would be motivated to support Trump. He has the support of the KKK. After all, they say “white men built this country and no one should ever forget it.” The other reason voters might support Trump, It’s a big one: Trump’s not a Democrat. For many, politics is tribal. Like Cardinals versus Cubs, Army versus Navy, Republicans versus Democrats. What matters most is the other side thinking “As long as the Dems lose, I can live with the winner. Doesn’t have to really be a Republican who wins.” You might feel that way yourself. “Better a blue dog than a Republican.” For many, many, the American future is nothing more than a contest like a bowling match. My party, right or wrong, for either good or bad, my party. Then there’s all the made up nonsense reasons someone might support Trump.

“Democrats want to destroy America.” Such reasons are a dime a dozen. And like the first three reasons, they’re nothing more than emotional hogwash. Slop! “Dems hate America. Dems want to destroy America. Dems like killing babies. Dems want to make us a communist Marxist country.” Ad nauseum. Which is Latin for: that makes me want to puke.

If you ever want to hear such drivel, just turn on Fox News from 7 p.m. Eastern to 11 p.m. and you’ll hear more hate filled conjecture in 4 hours than Germans heard in one day at a Nuremberg rally. Are CNN and MSNBC as hateful. No, I don’t think so. They distinguish between good Republican and what they consider bad, Republicans. Not so with Trumpers or Fox News. They broad brush every Dem as either woke or as haters of America. Anyone who identifies as a Dem to them is automatically an unpatriotic, subhuman scum.

It is rare for liberals to think so pollutedly. Sure, we disagree with Republicans, but we don’t say they’re all the same. Evidence Liz Cheney, GW Bush. Adam Kinzinger, John Kasich, and more. To be clear, however, liberals believe Trumpers, not all Republicans are misguided in need of relearning American history and American values.

Well, those are some reasons that can explain a person’s support for Trump. And I trust that you will be open to understanding before you begin refuting. In the next podcast, we’ll look at a few ways to help you be more persuasive when or if you choose to engage with one of these ideologues. That’s it for today. Thanks for your time this time. Until next time. You can find us on Spotify, iHeart, Buzz Sprout and Dumpty. Trump dot org or I’m Captain Scott Ad Dumpty Trumpet Dawg. Have another great week



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