#1 Purpose

May 28, 2024

Speak 0:03

Welcome to the Dumpty Trump D podcast, where we patriotic Americans work to push MAGA off their fake wall. I’m Captain Scott coming to you from my makeshift basement studio deep in the prairie heartland. Who am I? I’m a retired boomer. Okay Boomer! father, widower, preacher’s kid. Graduated with a degree in history.
The website Dumpty Trumpty dot org supports this podcast. There you’ll find previously recorded podcasts resources and reference material I’ve used in research charts, pictures, etc. and a way to contact me.

How did I come up with this?
Well, Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. We all know Humpty fell. Donald Trump campaigned about a wall and we knocked him and his MAGA cold off of it. You’re fired. His initials, D.T., and Dumpty trumped his match. And that’s how we named this podcast Dumpty. Trump the Georgie
And that takes me to the next point. Don’t let yourself be like them. Committed to an opinion despite the evidence. Be willing to listen and consider new information because you are who you are. I’m going to believe that you will never come close to worshiping Biden as a Trumpist as worship Trump. But I had to say it in the best way I’ve heard it said comes from a website of Japanese koans. What an English we call parables, and I’m going to read it to you.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. It is over, fool. No more will go in like this cup. Not inside. You are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you then? Unless you first empty your cup?

Welcome to Hannity. “We start tonight with a Fox News alert. Tonight, President Joe Biden laid out his radical wish list for America. His speech was so hyped up, it was bizarre. I will not be shouting the whole hour.” Okay, So it’s obvious he’s targeting Biden here. Biden gave the State of the Union speech that HANNITY characterizes that he calls it a radical wishlist. He says it’s so hyped up and he says it’s bizarre.

Hannity continues: “overcompensating from the normal, everyday Joe that can barely string two sentences together.”

Characterizes him as overcompensating. Then he demonizes him by saying he can’t string two sentences together. Then he fully goes demonizing here.

“different Joe Biden. I might call them jacked up Joe uncharitable. He sounded like a hyper caffeinated, angry old man.”
Hyper caffeinated, angry old man. Yup. He’s a demon. And there you have one example. And it did it didn’t take me long to find that clip.

Sometimes they target, demonize, then characterize. I found one easily listening to Republican Senator John Barrasso, Republican out of Wyoming, when he was giving the Senate Republican leadership press briefing June 21st of last year.
Okay. At this press conference, he’s talking and we’re coming up close on 4th of July. He just talked to a bunch of veterans. They all said the military’s going to pot and he blames Joe Biden for that. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Wyoming. It’s a beautiful state, but it’s like 93% MAGA out there. So he’s definitely playing to his base.

But that’s neither here nor there, because here we see he went straight into targeting Biden and then bam went to go knock him out with saying that he’s trying to destroy this country, which is just utter nonsense. I mean, yeah, that’s why 81 million Americans voted for him. They wanted more. No more illegal illegal aliens and a rusting military. Truth kills such nonsense. Target. Characterize, demonize. It’s classic propaganda and it generates anger. Fox News masked Newsmax in a bucket full of AM radio talk show hosts all do it. Anger tainment. The anger tainment industry and anger activates people. Consider someone giving your child or sister a hug versus someone shoving them. Which one’s going to get you out of your chair? Getting angry due to an offense is a rational reaction. Acting out of anger? Because a lie has stoked you is rather frankly evil. I’m not a psychiatrist, but Scott Peck, who died in 2005, was. He wrote a book. People of the Lie and recommends his field consider including human evil as a diagnosis. It’s a fascinating read, and it sets a reliable context for recognizing Trump and his devoted voters. I bring this subject up not to shame Trumpers. They do that well already, not self-aware, etc., but to help guide us in knowing who we are dealing with and remember as we interact with them. The key points I recall from the book are characteristics that to Dr. Peck correlate to the presence of human evil. One sign is consistent chaos. The presence of evil produces chaos. Oftentimes it creates chaos, confusion just for the fun of it. Disorder and confusion are common. Now, I’m not wanting to give a full book report and prove the point. You yourself can do that, but ask yourself whether Trump’s take over from Obama was orderly or chaotic. It was massively chaotic. Did his policies create confusion or clarity? Build a wall, reduce the debt, revitalize the coal industry, replace Obamacare, drain the swamp, none of which he accomplished and that in itself created confusion. A second indicator of evil is and here I quote Dr. Peck. Wherever there is evil, there is a lie around. The election was stolen. That’s not me on the Access Hollywood tape. The New York Times published a full page of Trump lies during this first 100 days of being president. And here is a clip now from Donald Trump himself. “One thing. I can promise you this. I will always tell you the truth.”
And the crowds cheer madly.

See if you can guess who this next clip is.

If you guessed Adolf Hitler, you got it right. First speech as Reich’s Chancellor. “We will not lie. We will not swindle. That’s why I have refused ever to stand before you and make cheap promises” like drain the swamp. Trump’s consistent lies and broken promises led to the chaos of his failed presidency, and it peaked on that tragic day of January 6th.

A third characteristic of evil comes straight to us out of narcissism, also known as NPD. Narcissistic personality disorder. And Peck advocates for its inclusion as a branch sickness within NPD. Peck describes people who are obviously strong willed, determined to have their own way, but willfully and consistently fail to submit their will to anything. It really shows itself when a person’s narcissism is threatened, by which I mean criticized. My paternal grandmother used to say Pride goes before a fall, meaning the braggart is about to get humbled. Some call it karma.

There are more traits that indicate evil, but we’ve hit the three big ones. Consistent chaos slash confusion lies Malignant Mars narcissism. They’re all telltale indicators and give credence to the written texts that advise the world to beware of phonies who appear to be good for us but inwardly, inwardly are ravenous wolves. Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. And that leads me to say, and I tire of hearing complaints about Trump and doing little or nothing. I mean, I get it. We like to commiserate with like minded people. But if all we’re going to do is complain and pronounce judgment, I get bored. Yeah, Yeah, I know. They’re all hypocrites. We all do. All that does is make us feel good, which is okay. And perhaps a little smug. Well, at least I’m smarter, kinder, etc. than they are. But it doesn’t advance the cause. It’s tantamount. And I hope this makes you laugh, too. Intellectual masturbation.

But that’s not the only thing that DumptyTrumpty is about. We want to bake a cake and deliver a slice to whomever. I encourage everyone to seek and find ways to spread truth to Trumpers. It can be as a simple comment or a reply on Blue Sky, which is the replacement for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or some newspaper website. You know, I looked at the 2020 election, and because thousands of state legislators across all 50 states confirmed the accuracy of Biden’s victory, it would be silly to pretend I had some inside information that they don’t have. I trust the results. Am there. That’s the kind of thing we’re going to do here for the next podcast. We’re going to look at the results in Pennsylvania and unpack the lie that claims Biden lost there. Until then, I’m Captain Scott at DumptyTrumpty.org. You can go to our website. Follow me on Facebook. And thanks for your time this time. Until next time.



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