May 28, 2024

Joe Gets 81 Million Votes
CPT Scott

Speak 0:01
Welcome to the Dumpty Trumpty podcast, where we patriotic Americans work to push MAGA off their fake wall. I’m Captain Scott coming to you from my makeshift basement studio deep in the prairie heartland. Hey, hey, hey. Here we go with episode number three. After the previous Pennsylvania 2020 episode, I received good feedback with people grateful for that information, enabling them to feel confident in responding to the myths that Trump admirers hold dear. Just a few days after publishing that, someone posted on Facebook to me. See you in November. When we finally don’t have like ballot counting where Trump was ahead at bedtime and by supper the next day he was behind, I explained. In Pennsylvania, the law gives the post office three days to deliver mail in votes as intended, and everyone knows it. Faced with the truth, he deleted his comment, which is in line with our goal of enabling us to address such nonsense. Before he removed his comment, though, he accused me of having D.S.. Have you heard that one? Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Meaning that, Oh, we’re all caught up with Trump and Trump Trump Trump. Maybe it was my reply back that pushed him to remove his words. I said TDs describes those voters who, despite overwhelming evidence, still believe the election was stolen. Haha. If you get a chance to try it, memorize it. TDs describes those voters who still believe Trump won despite overwhelming evidence. Usually what they’ll come back with is “RIGHT”!

or “there’s no way I’m going to believe Biden got 80 million votes. Oh sure, Biden got 80 million votes. No way.” And on Nicolle Wallace yesterday Dateline White House, she reported that Republicans are sending out robo calls to about 20,000 people, that people still voting, stuffing ballot boxes, etc., etc.. And it just goes on. And that brings us to the primary purpose of today’s podcast. Joe got 80 million votes. I suspect they recoil at the notion because Biden is far less admired than was Obama a political rock star, if you will. And Obama in 2008 got 69 million votes. Four years later, in 2012, Obummer, as the right wing likes to refer to him, got even fewer votes, less than 66 million.

But Obama was the first President since 1944,(FDR), to win the popular vote majority back to back. So we’re going to unpack this. Did vote totals in 2020 really exceed the number of registered voters? Is it really probable that Sleepy Joe Biden got 11 million more votes than rock star Obama?

Okay. But first, I want to make a distinction between talking points and the truth. And it’s not just for the purpose of being nerdy, but some talking points are true. Most are partially true, oftentimes called spin. Some are never true. And they’re just propaganda, such as “Biden’s stole the election.”

Interestingly, when talking points are true, they are no longer just talking points. They are truth. And here it dumpty. Trump Dawg, we’re going to stick to truthful talking points. And that’s another popular retort. Trumpers make. Oh, you’re just repeating Democratic CNN liberal media talking points. The first thing is to not say things that are not true. That’s how you avoid that trap. But when they accuse you of just parroting what you have heard, ask them, “How do you mean?” “Which part do you not believe is true?” They’ll usually hem and haw at that point, but if they persist, you can ask “If I show or shared”. Folk respond more positively to things being shared than things being shown to them. “If I share with you the evidence, would you be willing to consider changing your view? Or are you going to stick with what you believe already anyway?” Now, depending on their answers, the conversation continues or you end it, with a simple “Well, I guess that’s that.” Or “Well, okay” once you say that, then don’t discuss anything. Nothing political with them any further. No no. “See how you are.” Or “how come you don’t want to know?” After your “Oh, well. Okay.” Let it die. Let their answer be their answer. Let them sit there with themselves. At some point after you leave, maybe later at night, while they’re lying in bed, they’ll recognize their behavior as an error.

Often they feel it immediately. They’re just not going to let it show. It’s like playing poker. You’re letting them own their prideful stubbornness. Not trying to talk them out of their obstinance, which would create the opportunity for change. Change comes from within. And when they’re left alone with how they just responded, you just may have helped someone learn something about themselves. Under Biden’s 81 million votes. I’m going to use the census Census GOP for these numbers in 2008. Obama’s first year, there were

299,000,000 Americans, [I incorrectly said 229,000] of which 224 were old enough to vote.

By 2020, the U.S. population grew by 32 million to 331 million, of which 258 were old enough to vote.

under 2008 there were 224 eligible to vote. Under Trump/Biden There were 258 eligible to vote. Old enough to vote. That’s 34 million more possible voters than in 2008. That’s a lot. But not everyone who is old enough to vote is eligible to vote.

So in December, after the election, that is December of 2020, there were several Facebook accounts posting a tweet from some fake Twitter account which is no longer available. And I’m going to read it to you. And I quote “simple math. Trump got 74 million votes. There are only 133 million registered voters in the USA.” Period. That’s it. Okay. USA Today got a hold of this. They contacted the two Facebook accounts and they did not respond to requests for info nation or anything like that.
Can you say propaganda or Russian bots?

Okay. Using that incorrect tweet figures in your own mind, subtract 74 million from 133 million. Or just wait a second for me to tell you that the difference is 59 million votes left for Biden. Okay, so we got two lies going on here with this 81. Sleepy Joe got 81 million votes, but the reported vote totals are more than were registered and there’s no way Biden got 80 million plus votes. So let’s look to see if any of this is true.

The U.S. Census is better at counting bodies than tracking voter eligibility. They have some data, but they say it’s only 90% accurate. For voting information I relied on the University of Florida United States Election Project ran by Professor McDonald. However, there’s a problem because before 2010, not all states reported total ballot counts to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission or in their official reports. However, in 2008, Professor McDonald, without estimating or making up numbers to fill in the blanks recorded

132,600,000 votes. In 2020 he reports there were 159,738,000 votes, 27 more, 27 million more people voted in 2020 Then in 2008. Now let’s see the total votes for Biden and Trump combined:
Biden 81,283,000.
Trump 74,223,000.
Total 155,507,020.
Total votes Cast 159 million. That means 4 million people did not vote, make a choice for a president. They left it blank. They didn’t like each other. I mean, neither option. The presidential vote total is as it should be, less than the total number of votes cast. Biden’s votes are locked into certainty. Okay, So I’m going to recap here, and that’s pretty much the podcast.
In 2020, there were 32 million more voting age Americans when Sleepy Joe Biden won than there were when rock star Obama won in 2008,

159.7 million voted in 2020 & 4 million opted to not vote for president. That leaves 155 million of the 155 million. Biden got 81 million. Trump got 74 million. Erin BURNETT of CNN reports: Well, what Donald Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security, cybersecurity and infrastructure reported about the November 3rd election.

Historians, sociologists still argue why the failed former president lost. Perhaps they’ll remember that we had record unemployment. Stock market was lower than when Obama left. Broken promises of no wall. Obamacare not replaced. Massive government spending and an intentional incompetence in the distribution of the vaccines. There was no massive voter fraud. Remember from the last podcast the Republican that voted twice. Trump lost fair and square.

And that’s it for episode number three. Joe Gets 81 Million. Next topic, we’ll look at how to talk truthfully about Biden economics. Until then, thanks for your time. This time. Until next time. I am CPTScott@DumptyTrumpty.org talk in the site. This podcast is supported by that website. Go there, look us up. Share this with your friends. Have a great day.




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