May 28, 2024

Track 1 1:23
Welcome to the second podcast of Dumpty Trumpy supported by Dumpty Trump. Georgie. In this episode, we are going to talk about the Pennsylvania election of 20/21 Ad Men. I’m recording at a different sound level, so you may have to make an adjustment to your stuff. I’m new at this, so I don’t have it all figured out yet. Apologies if it’s inconvenient. So why are we going to look at the Pennsylvania election of 2020? Well, because it’s the most difficult and it’s the one that Trumpers like to toss about when they say things like there were issues, there were discrepancies, etc.. Georgia and Arizona have issues, had issues, but those have all been pretty well resolved and they’re all pretty straight. Straighten forward. Pennsylvania’s convoluted.

Some background on this one is let’s go back to the election of 2016. Trump is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, the Wharton School of Business, and he beat Hillary Clinton by a mere 44,000 votes.

So they saw him as an adopted Pennsylvania son, perhaps. Hillary had never lived in Pennsylvania. Okay, I get it.

In that election, there were 262 million absentee votes. There were 190,000 that went to a third party candidate. Total vote count was 5.9 million. Less than 5% voted absentee.

No absentee in Pennsylvania in the 2016 election required an application process you had to apply to vote absentee. And in doing so, you had to say why? Well, I’m in the military. My jobs got me working in Canada for three months. I’m going to have surgery and I’m going to be out for four, six weeks, etc., that kind of thing. The important thing to remember is that Trump won Pennsylvania by 44,000 votes. There were 262,000 million votes and a third party candidates that were plural. Several of them polled 190,000 votes between them. Total vote count was less than 6 million.

The Pennsylvania Constitution gives the legislature the authorization to set the procedures and process on elections. Now, Pennsylvania’s had a Republican legislature all up until just, I think, the previous election. The Republican legislature with strong Democratic support passed Act 77, and here it starts at 77 was signed by the Democratic governor, Tom Wolf, on Halloween 2019. It allowed no excuse vote by mail in for the first time ever. Ballots still had to be in the hands of the elected officials by 8 p.m. on Election Day. And this law allowed the use of drop boxes.

The rule also stipulated that any constitutional, quote, facial challenge had to be filed within six months of signing. Now, what’s a facial challenge? It is a

it’s a structure within the law that says whatever you’re doing is unconstitutional. Can’t use unconstitutional, and it will always be unconstitutional. An example would be if they passed a law saying that bald men aren’t allowed to vote. Okay, that would be forever unconstitutional. So they had six months to file something like that after it passed, Such bipartisan cooperation was unusual. Usually, you know, they’re bickering, but together they passed what’s probably Pennsylvania’s largest election reform ever. The legislators didn’t know it at the time. What Impact Act 77 was going to bring within three weeks of signing Act 77 into law? It was passed on Halloween of October 19. The first case of a case of COVID was reported in China. The first case in the USA appeared in January of 2020 in the state of Washington. Some fella had traveled back from Wuhan, China. Two months later, in March, after 4200 deaths, the World Health Organization declared COVID 19 a pandemic. Two days after that, Donald Trump declared a nationwide emergency. The proverbial mud has hit the fan. COVID meant mail envoy 2 million void in mail in voting was going to see its highest numbers ever.

Okay. You kind of have to be mindful while I’m talking here because things are going to change as we go along, including what I’m about to say. So act 77 said. You don’t have to have a reason to mail in vote. You can use drop boxes, but the cut off is going to be 8 p.m. on election night. Nobody seemed to really care. I mean, we’re past that six months of looking back at any facial structural issues. But June court cases came, as you listen to this. Remember, there are two court systems. We have a state system and a federal system. Each state has a Supreme Court and the US has one. The Dems struck first. They filed suit against their own Democrat Katherine Kate our way in Boockvar. Okay. VR in case you want to look it up yourself, who was the head of Pennsylvania’s Department of State? She had sent guidance to all of the 67 counties. Reminding them that just because we have mail in voting, regardless of postmark, it still has to be in her hands on November 3rd by 8 p.m.. The Democrats didn’t like that and they said there’s no way the US post office can get something mailed on Saturday or Monday and get it to you for counting by 8:00 on Tuesday. So they sued Katherine Boockvar for that and they asked to have the cutoff moved to postmark plus seven days. several days later, Donald J. Trump for president and that’s also called the Trump campaign. So Katherine Boockvar Boockvar on the way. Keep putting that are in there. They went to federal court and they filed saying that drop boxes violated somehow the due process and equal protection clause of the fifth and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution and they should be halted. They claimed that unmonitored drop boxes are a hazard before the election. Dems each filed a case against poor Katherine Boockvar. Either Trump person or Dem voters paid close attention to this as COVID kept spreading.

The decisions came, didn’t take too long, but the first decision came in Trumps federal case that third District court in Pennsylvania, I believe they said there are pending issues in the state system and it would be premature to rule on anything at the federal level before the states have had a chance to decide. They paused the decision.

The state case, eventually, Brooke Boockvar, could do it again. Boockvar asked the state Supreme Court to step in and away from the lower court and send settle the case that was pending in the lower court because we’re in June, probably July. And you’re getting close. July, August, September, October. You know, you’re four, four months away from election. And we know our courts move slow.

So the court accepted the request for speeding up, taking it at the Supreme Court. The state Supreme Court the state Supreme Court extended the deadline to postmark plus three. So third, fourth, fifth, sixth, Friday at 5 p.m.. The votes had to be postmarked November 3rd or earlier and had to be in the hands of the Department of State by Friday night. They also said there’s nothing wrong with drop boxes. But the Republicans won on one thing and that was it. Blocked people from delivering other voters absentee ballots. Hey, Rich, you going by that drag pop drop box? Yeah. Hey, can you take mine? Yeah, sure. No problem, dude. That’s illegal. That was illegal to the court. The Dems call it community collection. The Repub the Republicans call it Guess what? Ballot harvesting.

So the Republicans won one out of three and they took it to the U.S. Supreme Court during this time. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, may she rest in peace, died. Amy Coney barrett was up for confirmation. So there were only eight justices on the court at the time. The US Supreme Court split four four on reviewing the Democratic Party versus Boockvar case. The ruling stands now. The public knew the counting could not be completed before Friday night. The media knew also. They also knew that Dems are going to vote more using mail in procedures than the GOP. So do expect a final tally by election night or even election day after the election was a silly thing to hold.

You do an okay with the story so far? I know it’s complicated. Okay, so Election Day comes or came and we did remember. This will help. Remember it. Okay. Another reason we’re doing this is so that you can dialogue with somebody who says, Oh, there were issues in Pennsylvania and you’re armed with some facts and it’s not important. You remember, you can always come back and listen again. But I want you to remember 942. There were 9 million voters in Pennsylvania who were registered to vote.

4.2 million voters voted in person.

2.6 million voted by mail.

942 9 million registered. 4 million walk ins. 2.6 million mail ins. Biden got 3.4 or 5 million. Trump got 3.37 million and the libertarian guy got 79,000. President Biden won by 80,500.

Now, it didn’t take long. The polls closed. Counties began counting. Tuesday night, Wednesday afternoon, Trump tweeted.

And I’ve got a picture of the tweet. It was like 356. That’s probably Eastern time on Wednesday after the election, less than 24 hours after the polls closed, Trump tweeted that he had won Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina.

Now, imagine a sports caster declaring a winner before the game has ended. Or imagine pulling bread from the oven before it’s fully baked. Trump pulled the bread from the oven and began feeding it immediately to his hungry believers. And now the whole deception, the entire there were discrepancies. It was rigged. All that stuff started before the votes were even tallied.

Now pretend you’re a Trumper. You love his rallies. He just knew it was going to be a Trump landslide. Pretend you’re one of them. These are things that they were told. Things some of them still say there were more mail in ballots counted than there were mailed in votes mailed out 20,000 dead people on its voter rolls.

Pennsylvania didn’t follow its own constitution. Now, imagine that you don’t do any checking. You don’t do any questioning. You just swallow by blind faith. What the Trump campaign and his cohorts in the media are saying, and you believe it? Wouldn’t you be mad? I’d be madder than a hornet.

That’s why we’re here.

This is where that nine for two could help. 9 million registered. 4 million walk ins. 2.6 mailed in. And that 2.6 is really 2,589,000. But it’s easier to say 2.6 and 2.589. Okay. A group calling themselves the Gateway Pundit sent out posted on Facebook. This thing was repeated thousands of times. Quote, Pennsylvania reports having mailed out 1.8 million ballots, but they only got back 1.4 million ballots.

Somehow they reported 2.6 million were counted. From where did the extra 1.1 million votes come?

Turns out whoever was doing their research was correct about the 1.8 million get sent out and the 1.4 coming back. But that was for the primary six months earlier. But they reported the total counted from the general election in November.

I mean, I get it. I mean, I can make mistakes, but you’ve got to check yourself. And if you’re working for a company, there certainly ought to be somebody else checking you. But that’s not what’s important. What’s important to them is putting something out there, making it sound official, making it sound legitimate. And stoking that anger, because we know anger will push people to action when love, kindness and silence will not. Hateful, detestable lie. Number two, there were 20,000 dead people listed on Pennsylvania voter rolls.

Well, that was that was true at one point. There’s roughly 1% of the American population dies each year, 3.4 million in Pennsylvania. Sure, people die, but after they’re dead, they don’t have a way of going back to the county and saying, hey, take me off the voter rolls. So a lot of those linger on their.

A group went to the Social Security death index, used the freedom of information for Pennsylvania to get the voter rolls and then compared the list of deceased people to the names on the voter rolls. And lo and behold, they found 16,000. I don’t know where Trump got 20, but he says 20. They found like 16,600. Now, that’s good work. I mean, that makes good sense, right? We ought to be checking the Social Security death index against our voter rolls and adjusting it. And you know what? Pennsylvania agreed. The numbers they had polled were from October of 2019. By the time the election had come around, there were only 7600 roughly whose names were still on that voter registration, but had not cast a vote of all the votes in Pennsylvania. Only 21,000 were rejected. I don’t know. False address, wrong name, something like that. This could that 7000 could have been part of that 21,000. So, yeah, I mean, we did a check in the balance. It worked. But the lies persist. There are still people. I’ve got family on Facebook saying here, those dead or dead Democrats in Pennsylvania voted. I told I tell Joe won that election. However, evidence of voter fraud that is dead people voting was found in Pennsylvania. Bruce Bartman, 70 years old, Delaware County, which is the Philadelphia area mother, had died. He’s 70. He’s probably 74 now. If he’s still alive, I don’t know.

He his mother had died in 2008, but he still had her driver’s license and was registering her to vote. So he put in an application for his mother, filled out her application, got her ballot, voted for Trump in her name, and melded in October. Then he showed up at his precinct and voted under his name as Trump. He had also registered his deceased mother in law, but he didn’t vote her name. So his mother’s ballot comes into the election office and a warning is triggered like, Hey, you need to check this. So they went back and they interviewed him and he goes, Yeah, I did it. So, yes, there was election fraud in Pennsylvania and it was done by Republicans. And the third deception about Pennsylvania didn’t follow its own constitution at face value. It sounds like it might have merit because the judge, the court set the expanded the date to count votes by three days. Their argument was, hey, only the legislature can do that. After further review at several courts. The court said the goal of the of the of the court. We kind of act like it’s a church around here, don’t we? Said the goal of the court when it comes to elections is better to widen the franchise, broaden the participation than it is to narrow it. And there are many other cases where states have, because of floods, tornadoes, etc. the courts have cooperated with the legislature and passed laws that extended deadlines for voting. So the Supreme Court just dismissed that as moot.

But sure, you’ll hear Republicans squealing like somebody squeezed their toe.

There were several audits. Every county in Pennsylvania audits their results. Every audit certify the election results. One of the Trump lawyers and one of the court cases asked when asked was, okay, you’re saying these 10,000 votes should not be counted because they came in after the postmark date. Are you alleging there’s some kind of fraud? And the Trump campaign said, no, we are not alleging fraud. There’s just a whole lot of chaos. There are numerous cases from November 4th, fifth, ninth, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 29th, all the way up, even until last year, when one of the the Republicans voted to say that you cannot use drop boxes.

But I don’t know that

it’s still ongoing in Pennsylvania. So when you talk to somebody, I hope this helps arm you some and gives you an idea of how to go about things. If you need more information. Ballot PD has a good source type in Pennsylvania 2020

Boockvar b o. C k. V r.

Mail in ballots. That’s another good keyword.

Wikipedia has a list of the court cases, but it’s you’ll find yourself bouncing around stuff to.

And if you’ve got any further questions, I’d want to wrap this up If you got any further questions and we haven’t discussed it here, perhaps I can do an additional to this one, but we’re ready or we’re not quite at 30 minutes, but we’re heading that way.

So send me an email. Captain Scott had dumped the Trump ticket Ohaji. And thanks for your time this time. Until next time, we’ll be talking to you soon.




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