#15 Schism I

July 17, 2024

Welcome back.

This is episode 15. Schism I, Roman numeral one.

Before we get started, a little sports update. There are no Americans left in the Wimbledon and the Wimbledon championship. Taylor Fritz lost in a five setter yesterday to Lorenzo Musetti. Guess what nationality he is? LOL

In Major League Baseball, the All-Star Game is next week, July 16th, in Arlington, Texas. The American League has won it 47 times the National League 43 times. The Chicago White Sox continue to be the worst team in the major leagues, having won only 27 games. They’ve lost 68, While the Philadelphia Phillies hold on to their first position with 60 wins and only 32 losses. Now on to the crazy things Trumps or MAGA say.

“In honor of our great veterans. On Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxist fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.” [Donald Trump 11/11/2023, Claremont NH WATCH: Full Context Of Trump ‘Vermin’ Remarks That Are Being Compared To Hitler (msn.com)]

That sounds like something you’d hear at a rally in 1933 Nürnberg, doesn’t it? Good Lord.

When I started this podcast I believed, I wanted to believe, that all Americans wanted to keep this democratic republic. For clarification, we’re not really a democracy. Democracy means one more vote than 50%. Whatever 50% plus 1 wants, is what democracies do. For instance, democracies could vote to burn people as witches or to have people over 70 euthanized, etc. That’s democracy. Aristotle called it mob rule. The protection of the minority is not a democracy’s concern. But it is one thing that makes government a republic, a democracy with rules to follow that we all agreed to. Our rules are our Constitution and the laws that flow from it. It’s American to want to protect the rights of the minority. Many countries around the world have that value. Europe. Canada, Israel, Japan, Australia. While North Korea, Russia, Hamas and China do not. The promised defense of minority opinions, behaviors, & beliefs are particularly American. But now, but now there is a Schism, a division into factions in America. It’s divided into those who respect and uphold the processes of our Constitution (I call them patriots) and those who would sacrifice the process just to guarantee their outcome. (I call them Trumpers.) I began to wonder if Trumpers wanted the outcome, the policies, more than the process, the Constitution and the American method of governing. So I began asking general questions on Facebook, Twitter, friends, family, strangers, questions that would help reveal their belief to me. Here’s one. Which would you prefer? A government that outright bans abortion or one that allows citizens to pursue happiness their way? Even though you don’t like it? Can you guess what response I got?

Silence. Or as they say, online “crickets”.

Okay. Maybe abortion is way too passionate a topic. Some might say they want a ban, but only if we can vote on it and do it within our system.

The Constitutional Republic, Democratic Republic, accept and allow the minority their way of life. And it does not mean allowing other people their way, obligates you to say or have, for instance, an abortion.

Okay, another question: Do you think men should be allowed to dress as women or have surgery to transition? What about women transitioning to men?

What about teachers leading Christian prayer in classrooms? Is that something you want the government to implement?

Would you rather have a government order school prayer, or would you prefer a government that agreed no government service should insist its taxpayers participate in a specific religious practice? Is that what you would want? These are questions for Trumpers remember.

What about gay marriage? Do you want a government that bans or bans or allows others to do something that rubs you the wrong way? What if someone wants to burn or kneel on the flag? Do you prefer preventing such behavior? What are you going to do when the government stops you from doing something you like?

“I think my true passion is firearms and guns.”

What about being a Marxist, a godless atheist, or a flat earther? Should government, America, allow such beliefs?

I like to think that posing such questions would prompt Trumpers to reconsider their opinion and resurrect the American tradition of tolerating differences. But many people don’t like differences. (Kinda got that problem myself sometimes.) But to be American, the Constitution, our system demands it. We have no legal option. If outcome of policy is more important to you than process to arrive at a policy, then leave, leave or change your mind, whichever makes you the happiest. I consider such people to be domestic enemies, selling out the Constitution just to get what they want. The attempted installation of Trump in power because he lost fairly and verifiably, is the greatest act of treason in our history. Benedict Arnold looks like an amateur. It disgusts me. And those who believe Trump’s lies, otherwise decent human beings, retain no respect from we patriots who defend the Constitution. The Trumpers are wrong. They are the problem. Their problem comes from believing the lies of one man.

“I would be very, very satisfied just to say I don’t like. I’m very truthful. You cover me. You know I’m very truthful.”

Two traits of American adulthood are the ability to accept and allow others to be who they are. And if it’s difficult for anyone to do that, seek help, encourage others Likewise. We have millions of therapists, psychologists, counselors, pastors, rabbis to help you become a more accepting human being. Reach for the help. Your family will respect your willingness. You’ll stop being angry. The episodes of hating Woke Libtards, Godless Marxists will subside, and eventually Trumpers just might start seeing clearly again and accept that they, he, are not God and neither of them get to define American. The Constitution does that. Help them turn away from the deception recognize how wrongly manipulated they have been? Come home. America will welcome you back. Come home.

That’s it for this episode. My son’s coming to town. I’ve cut this one short and I look forward to spending time with him. And of course, getting back to you will pick up schism, two. And we talk about “Should he stay or should he go?” The elephant in the room that the Democrats have to look at? You can find more resources at Dumpty Trump dot org. Thanks for your time this time. Until next time, Captain Scott. Have a great week.



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