June 25, 2024

Welcome back to Dumpty Trumpty episode Number 12 Trump Lost. It’s been quite a week in sports. The Celtics swept the Mavs in four games, having lived in both I’m happy, however it turned out. Florida, who has never won the Stanley Cup, was up three and 0. And now they find them heading into game seven. Could be the first time Canada returns the Stanley Cup to that nation since 1993. Bryson DeChambeau from California won the U.S. Open for a second time, and summer officially began just June 20th. And the dog days have arrived.

Man, I don’t know about you, but the anxiety I’ve been feeling has really grown. There’s all this talk about Trump Support growing. He and his Trumpers talk about a revenge tour, and I’ve been engaging more with Trumpers online. As expected, when they’re faced with verified evidence, they feel checkmated. When checkmated, they feel cornered. And as with any creature, when trapped, they lash out. Here’s a few samples:

“You’ve reached the utmost out of bounds of stupidity.”

 “You repeat all the absolute B.S. spoon fed to you.” 

“F* you and your moral bullshit.”

“Only useful idiots believe your stale claim.”

One guy, former naval officer said “I’m far more critically analytical than you’ll ever be.”  “I told him to bring it. I’ll match you in any public forum of ideas, facts and wits, we can do it on the air. One on one. Let me know.” Turns out he was using a fake named Facebook account. One user shared that an acquaintance told him Trump could randomly shoot many people in city daylight and he would still vote for Trump, which fully rejects the notion that education solves world problems. The success of education depends on the reasoning ability of the taught. This isn’t an educational issue. It’s a spiritual one.

Like Oddball, played by Donald Sutherland in Kelly’s Heroes, may he rest in peace:  “Don’t hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning.” So, yes, the anxiety, frustration index has increased. What I’m pleased with is that I’ve not given into name calling in response (yet).

Were I to start saying things like, “Yeah, well you’re stupid”, “You’re in a cult” “You hate America” etc. then I will have handed them a hook to hang something on. It’s not wise. Experience shows that the MAGA Trumpers can ridicule a person 400 times, and as soon as an unkind response is returned by us, they’ll accuse: “See, liberals always lash out when they can’t stick to the facts.” If it weren’t tragic, their blind hypocrisy would be comedy. I often remind them that it’s easy for them to see the speck in my eye while ignoring the stick that is in theirs. In this spiritual battle, we can go with a wooden stake straight to the heart of the Dracula, the living lie:  The election was stolen.

Off we go!  At Dumpty Trumpty we’ve already tackled Pennsylvania in episode two, where the lawsuits of the Trump campaign never even alleged election fraud.

That’s a one sentence reply for you. If the election was stolen, the Trump campaign never accused the Dems or Pennsylvania of voter fraud. You know why?  There was none. Put that in your quiver. Memorize that fact. Store it in your mind for recall.

In Pennsylvania, the GOP did not like extending mail-in voting to accommodate COVID fears. The US Supreme Court said in times of emergencies, courts have and can extend laws reserved usually for legislatures. It’s okay. The court extended voting.  By the way, the only known case of a dead person voting in Pennsylvania, contrary to popular lament, was a Republican who voted using his deceased mother’s registration. That’s all in episode two.

Go back to 2016 and the first Iowa Republican primary of the campaign, Senator Cruz defeated Trump. Initially, Trump congratulated Cruz on his win, but the next day tweeted, tweeted, “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz’s result nullified.”

Euro News Cast: “Some sour grapes or a genuine grievance, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling for a rematch in Iowa, accusing the winner, Ted Cruz, of fraud.”

Ted Cruz: “I wake up every day and laugh at the latest thing Donald has tweeted because he’s losing it.”

That was 2016. Before that, in 2012, Trump claimed voting Machines flipped Romney votes to Biden. All of this before we even get to the 2020 election.

I said Biden, I meant Obama. And I hope I’m not become Trump like.  All of this was before we even get to the 2020 election. These show an inclination of not handling uncomfortable truths well. Trump’s big lie is that he won. The election was stolen. Biden must be an electioneering mastermind! Let’s look.  In Michigan a poll watcher named Jessica Connarn filed an affidavit saying some poll worker told her dates on the ballots were being changed. Now, that might be enough evidence for a conspiracy theorist, but not for a Michigan court. The judge there dismissed the Trump claim as hearsay.  Then without specifying voting locations the Trump campaign then asked for surveillance videos of people exercising their personal right to vote. They also allege that election challengers were not allowed to observe election operations. Seven out of eight cases filed in Michigan were dismissed or dropped, and there was only one ruling issued.

One man filed in western Michigan against Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Robert Gernetski, the Allegan County clerk at the time, and said the Secretary of State issued guidance without going through the state-guidance-issuing-approval process. The court agreed. Genetski said there’s no signs of fraudulent ballots, the secretary of State just didn’t follow the rules and that was his point. He made it. Biden won in Michigan. 2.8 million to 2.65.


What’s there to say about Arizona? Except Trump lied on numerous subjects and continued to lie about the results and the process of voting.

Trump.  Just as he lied in Pennsylvania, he lied in Arizona, saying there were more mail-in ballots received than sent out. Now, what is counterintuitive is that in almost every election, the number of votes cast goes up after the votes have been counted. Well, how can that be?  Well, most of the votes get reported that first night or within 12, maybe 24 hours of the polls closing. Great question, huh?  There will always be provisional ballots. Provisional ballots don’t get included in initial vote totals until they have been verified as completely trustworthy.

There were 11,000 provisional ballots and Trump lost by 10,457 votes.

There is no reason to suspect all of the 11,000 provisional ballots were for Joe Biden. And after close review, the truth won out. There were more votes counted after the election AND Biden won.

Additionally, and this is in keeping with Trump, there was a Sharpie-gate. Trump tried to claim the Sharpies used to vote with bled through the ballot because they used cheap paper, on the back and the bleed overs were incorrectly counted. For Biden. Just hearing me say that out-loud sounds preposterous. They would have to produce sample ballots to show that happened, but they didn’t. Additionally, the circles on the back of the ballot do not line up with the ballot circles on the front. It’s just absurd silliness.

Trump reminds me of Baby Huey. You remember that comic book character?

Trump should just come out and say “It’s rigged unless I won”.  Trump lost by 0.3% in Arizona in Arizona losses, any loss of 0.1 percent or smaller automatically triggers a recount. Trump’s loss did not trigger the recount.  However, Within three days, ten of Arizona’s counties, including Phoenix-Mesa, Tucson and Flagstaff, a hand audit was completed, comprised equally of Dems and Republic Republicans on the audit staff.

Each county found NO discrepancies.

Later in February of 2021. The Republican chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, that’s Phoenix-Mesa, announced that forensic audits, audits, found NO discrepancies.

Then came that silly 2000 Mules fake documentary. Since AT&T refuted the silly notion of that Reefer Madness type movie, no serious election analyst dares claim that illegals were, “stuffing ballot boxes.” AT&T, whose technology on which the premise of the movie is built, said cellular data can only show someone within 30 feet ten meters of being anywhere.

So that movie 2000 mules shows cell phone data of cell phones passing by known drop box locations. And he sees them numerous times throughout the month.

What that doesn’t show is that somebody actually stopped at the box, put something in, and it doesn’t show whether the person was even on the same side of the street as the drop box. That propagandist de Sousa would have us believe that someone was walking past the ballot box and they stopped open the door and dropped off ballots.

Unfortunately, the truth rarely stops a Whack-o.  Even after all of that, later in May of 2021, Republicans conducted a Republican audit. By then, even Republicans began to see the craziness of their own party. Republican State Senator Paul Boyer, who had supported two previous audits, announced he was embarrassed by this third audit. (See, there are some Republicans loyal to the American system). Those guys should go on a GOP wall of heroes. He said publicly: “This makes us look like idiots. It’s embarrassing to be a state senator at this point.” What was Baby Huey Trump’s response to Senator Boyer? He called him a RINO.  [Laughs]

A result of all this Arizona chaos? In September, the audit report announced they found 360 more votes for President Biden than originally totaled. [DOH!] Trump lost bigger than they initially believed.

If you want to read a story of a patriotic American, loyal to the nation more than to his party, I encourage you to read about Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers. He’s a man we can all be proud of, even though we have policy differences. Listen to his testimony before Congress:

Adam Schiff: “After the election, you received a phone call from President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.”

Rusty Bowers: “For them to say to me, ‘Yeah, we just want you to throw out those electors and put in Trump.’  I said, “Well, if you’re talking this, I got to have the proof.” I said, “Rudy, do you have the names of the dead people who voted?”

 “He goes”, ‘Yes.’

“And do you have the names of the 200,000 illegals who voted in our election?”


“I said I want those names. And the President says, ‘Rudy, give the man what he wants. Give him what he wants.’ He [Rudy] says, ‘Yeah, we’ve got it, Mr. President. I’ll get them to ‘im.’

Adam Schiff: “Did you meet with Mr. Giuliani and his associates while they were in Phoenix?”

Rusty Bowers:  “Yes, I did, sir. I just said, ‘Did you bring me the proof?’ And he said, ‘Well..’

“No one provided me ever such evidence.”

As a result of all this, Rusty Bowers lost the speakership of the House, lost reelection to the state legislature.

So Trump lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona. Let’s look now at Georgia that had 16 electoral votes with 270 votes needed to win the Electoral College. The winner had to win three of those four contested states. Biden won all four, including late reporting Nevada, six electoral votes. To be president, a candidate must have 270 electoral votes. Trump got 232. He needed to find some combination of 38 votes in four states. The electoral awards are Pennsylvania gets 20. Michigan gets 16. Georgia gets 16. Arizona gets 11. Nevada gets six.

We should all be familiar by now with Georgia, where both Trump and Lindsey Graham tried to browbeat the Georgia government into helping him get Georgia’s 16 electoral votes. Have you heard Trump’s call to Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.  Trump wanted to find more votes so he could say he won in Georgia.

Raffensperger should be on the wall of Republican heroes.

I like Trump, whom we now nicknamed Baby Huey, when he asked if Raffensperger was sure about the election integrity, his answer, “I’m sure.

The funny thing about that illegal Georgia phone call is what Trump has to believe before even dialing their phone number. He had to believe he lost, right? I mean, he wasn’t calling states he won!  He knows he lost. He wanted to cheat. Secretary Raffensperger told Trump in so many words that he’s not going to circumvent the will of Georgia voters. And Republican Governor Brian Kemp agreed.  The citizens of Georgia are pissed off, and that’s why they’re not gathering in large crowds protesting his trial in Atlanta. It’s also why his admirers did not rally at the New York City courthouse. Patriotic Americans are seeing through his, what I call, crybaby charade. Every time something happens to him, he says  “It’s not fair. They cheated. They’re picking on me.” Can you imagine living 78 years insisting that you were wronged every time something negative happened? It makes me wonder what he thinks when he hears. REO Speedwagon’s Roll with the Changes.

Trump lost fair and square, and we must repeat that truth whenever the opportunity arises. I hope you’ll assimilate this info into your own repertoire and continue shining light on the darkness that surrounds us. Personally, I don’t think the President of the United States should take a debate stage with a convicted felon, and although I probably will, I may not watch the debate. I’ve learned, though, that it doesn’t really matter what I think. But we’ll talk about it anyway. Next week, remember, you can find us on Spotify or you can write to me at CPTScott@DumptyTrumpty.org. Next time we’ll still review the debate with the Talking Heads. And that’s it for this week. Thanks for your time this time, until next time.   Have a great week!



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