#10 Tips for Objections

May 28, 2024

Welcome back to our 10th episode of DumptyTrumpty, where we work to unravel Trump’s deceptions and return America to our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. In episode nine, Understanding Trumpers, we looked at three major reasons some support Trump: Opposition to the transgender movement, A total opposition to abortion, and Opposition to illegal immigration. Of course, there are other reasons too. Others might be gas prices and inflation, but presidents only have influence, not control [of inflation] as discussed in episodes four and five on Bidenomics.

The transgender issue affects 0.5% of the American population. That’s 0.5%. If you were to use that in math, that would be taking the total population of America, 332 million, times .005. That’s 1.66 million people, roughly the city of Phoenix. A problem in Phoenix would not be a national focus unless they had their own 9/11, and eventually that would fade from view. To have a national discussion on 1.66 million people who made a decision [for themselves] to medically attempt a gender change is overblown. Tell Trumpers that. Stop being one who pretends that gender is assigned at birth.

Sex and gender terms are interchangeable. Get it? That’s a pun, interchangeable. Sex/Gender are synonyms. When dealing with Trumpers, try to ignore the topic.

However, if you are one who believes that gender is something we grow into, don’t publicize that opinion. Keep it among friends. Don’t share it. Don’t spread that. You are vastly outnumbered and it allows Trumpers to think of all leftists as advocates of such nonsense and it hurts the entire liberal leftist Democratic patriots. You make us look bad, so please stop making it a public issue. Just let it go.

But let’s say you can’t. What if you’re on a self-righteous campaign and you know you’re right and everyone else is wrong about biology? You want to hurt the Biden campaign, push your enlightened opinion on the multitudes. There are things you can do to minimize the notion you, we have flipped our lids. How? Well, for one thing, we can say: “I see your point, but there is no cause here to hate.” The condition of a trans person appears in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, (it’s called the DSM-5, the book used by our entire mental health professional community), as “gender dysphoria”.

The International Statistical Classification of Diseases, the ICD, maintained by the World Health Organization, (the W.H.O.) refers to the condition as “gender incongruence” that is, my gender is something I do not feel or believe. We don’t hate someone for being bipolar or schizophrenic, and we should not hate those suffering with gender dysphoria. I’m reminded of Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changin. [Don’t criticize what you can’t understand]

Assuming you won’t pursue a scorched earth policy in pushing your opinion, you can appear more reliable and trustworthy by describing an option or [by] asking a question. “I don’t understand this at all, but I would prefer someone get the transition surgery rather than commit suicide, wouldn’t you?”

And that’s what a lot of these people, who suffer with this, experience. Their option is a very high rate of suicide. And I’m like, hey, if an expensive surgery is going to keep you from killing yourself, I want you to go do that. Say that to the Trumpers. That should cause them to pause. Then tell them in the list of problems it is not a national one. Regarding men competing as women, opponents outnumber supporters in even larger numbers. I know, there was a study showing at higher levels of competition that trans athletes do not have a big advantage. The comedian David Chappelle, however, points out if LeBron James changed his gender and played in the WNBA, he’d score 840 points and that we should be allowed to bet on him. The Trump goal of defeating the Biden campaign is strengthened when we engage them in conversation about trans people. Don’t do it. The approach in responding to the pro-life crowd is similar. Don’t engage in it if you can’t avoid it.

As we said in the previous episode, no one recommends abortion as we might recommend watching a good movie or a good place to eat. However, the Trumpers black and white thinking process goes like this: “If you don’t ban abortion, then you allow abortion. When you allow abortion, you encourage abortion. Such people are immoral baby killers, and I’m not one of them.” they might say. Their narrow focus blocks their ability to engage reasonably. Ask them this “because abortion-positions determine how you’ll vote. Would you rather live in an America where abortion was legal or leave America to live where it [abortion] is illegal? Countries such as Haiti, Palestine, Congo, Iraq. If someone would choose America over a complete abortion ban, then America is more important to them. And that’s a good sign. I have the impression, though, that they would trade the Bill of Rights to get a federal abortion ban, or if not the Bill of Rights, maybe they would overturn the 22nd Amendment, which limits the president to two terms. Can you imagine Trump campaigning? “If you remove the 22nd Amendment, I will ban abortion for everybody.” [That] Might work [for him]. I bet many would make that trade. And to me, it reveals them as disloyal.

How do you think they feel now that Trump said he no longer supports a federal ban on abortion? Will these Trumpers support a candidate who endorses letting states decide? Think they feel betrayed? Trump should license betrayal as part of his brand. He betrayed his promise to build a wall. We do have an immigration problem and the reason is because we continue to hire illegals. Why we don’t make it the responsibility of the employer to know whether the person they are hiring is here legally or illegally is an answer that I have not yet received. Trump betrayed us. Getting out of Afghanistan? It took the Democrats to get it done. Oh, sure, they’ll say “Yeah, we gave up billions of equipment had 13 people killed.” But don’t forget that there were more than three times as many Americans killed in Afghanistan under Trump’s administration. I’m glad we’re out of Afghanistan. He betrayed the idea of reviving the coal industry, reducing the debt, getting an infrastructure program going, (Dems got it done). And he’s betrayed every wife he’s ever had.

What makes any American prefer a betrayer-by-trade like Donald Trump over Biden, who is loyal to America and not himself, is beyond me. To me, it suggests, does NOT prove, a mental flaw or perversion of values exists. When someone who is mentally off centered, reality, truth and evidence are irrelevant. Such people are loyal to the idea, not the truth AND…we are not to hate them. Remember, they are humans and fellow Americans, and that doesn’t mean they are all delusional. While reviewing the DSM, they make a distinction to qualify as delusional. [To be “delusional] The belief has to interfere with the daily functioning of life. And that doesn’t describe most Trumpers. Most Trump supporters practice self-deception and rationalizations.

There is no person in the world who believes the election was stolen except people who wish Trump had won. I say that again: there’s no person in the world who believes the election was stolen except people who wish Trump had won.

You hear that? They are commonality. Have you heard anyone who doesn’t care about America say the election was stolen? I haven’t. Only partisans say that. Even objective Republicans admit the election was fair and accurate.

So what we have here is a spiritual problem, not a truthful problem. But we still have to speak truth to them. Gandhi and Martin Luther King approached their missions spiritually, but there is no dramatic way for us doing this, especially without a national movement. We’d have to display the national suffering so that Trump residents could see what they’re causing. So far, we’re not getting massacred by dogs, or thumped by police.

Nonviolence works against a violent foe, not shared opinions. Know what else doesn’t work? Yelling, shouting, Getting mad.

What if every city held a “The-Election-Was-Not-Stolen” gathering? People carrying signs and banners without shouting. No yelling, no Self-righteous anger just a humble, quiet expression of the truth that erodes the entire foundation on which Trumpism rests, the belief shared in unison across America by Trumpers The Big Lie: “The election was stolen.”

Groups of people, city to city to city, carrying signs saying “the election was not stolen”, “Trump lost” without any yelling or shouting. Peaceful and maturely could be effective.

I don’t know. We might be on to something here, though. Would you participate?

Give it some thought. I’d love to hear your ideas if you’re willing. Let me know at Captain Scott that’s CPTScott@DumptyTrumpty.org. The website DumptyTrumpty.org is coming along. You can find all the podcasts and more info there. And that’s it for now. Thanks for your time this time until next time and have another great week!



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